Wednesday, February 9, 2011

s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g b-e-e

So anyone who knows me is aware that I hate when things are misspelled or when incorrect grammar is used. We all slip up, now and then; in fact, I saw an error on one of my recent posts. 

When I was in elementary school, I studied extremely hard for the spelling bee. I was really nervous, but I had worked hard enough that I thought that I stood a chance. I fumbled the first word. The word was "treasurer." I spelled it, t-r-e-a-s-e-r-u-r.  I am forever scarred. 

But thanks to Megan and "The Oatmeal," I thought I'd share this with you all. (My last few posts have been quite serious, so I thought that some humor was in order!)




Gwiddle said...

Okay. I totally suck at using proper grammar. hahahah. Also spelling is not my strong suit, but I do spell check all of my posts before I save them! I also tend to use AND and BUT to begin sentences, just like that. You know what though? I actually know how to use proper grammar and spelling. Okay enough of me trying to explain myself, you still like me anywayz <--- that was just for you:) Have a good night. AND I definitely do hold my liquor better than a panda bear.

Heather said...

Liz.... you KNOW i love this post...

I was just laughing like a hyena while my roommate was reading for class..but anyway... I thought it was a wonderful refresher for all of those that are clueless.

My fav was DEFINITELY.... that's my biggest pet peeve. I was actually planning to put an 'a' just now when i wrote it...but couldnt bring myself to do so.

Love you, fellow nerd

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

haha this was great!
Weird always gets me because of the "I before E except after C rule"
I hate when stupid rules don't make sense every time!

la petite lydia said...

Thank you for posting this! I have quite a few spelling pet peeves. I am such a perfectionist when it comes to spelling. But I am also dyslexic so I have to think really hard about "then/than" and "affect/effect". It drives me crazy.

Loved this post.

Ps. Don't worry about commenting on my blog more to respond to my comments. I usually do the same thing! Yes. You, me, Amy, and Orange Leaf.

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! I, too, enjoy being a grammar/spelling nazi. My favorite is "definitely" and "a lot".

I'm sure you've seen the Hyperbole and a Half post about the Alot:

Delirium said...

I am like this as well. Sometimes I get reallllllllllllllllly lazy and don't bother using correct grammar on my blog.

My biggest thing is when someone puts the (.,) on the outside of quotations instead of the on the inside.

Don't judge me by my blog, though. As I said before, I get very lazy. Ha.

Janette said...

HILARIOUS POST LIZ! My spelling bee word fail was courteous...C-O-U-R-T-I-O-U-S. I felt so betrayed when I lost...Totally thought I had nailed that one...
Woo howdy!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for following me! I would love to pick your brain sometime (via email) about working with the elderly...Currently, a group of friends (and myself) would like to visit an assisted living place in the area to bring some cheer to people living there...
So if you are cool with that...let me know...
Thanks again and KIT!
Your cool!

PS. I did that one purpose...

Kathy said...

That there blog was ah some. LOL! What about idea and ideal? A lot of people use them incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! I've always had trouble when it comes to affect/effect but now I have a way to remember how to figure it out. It helped me a ton this week while I was writing my dissertation, hehe.