Saturday, February 26, 2011


I tried to think of a more clever title, but ALAS, I couldn't think of one.

Just to catch up, last night, I went and saw the Dark Crystal with AMY! (haha) It was amazing; I had never seen it before. The Palace was showing it 'fo CHEAP. Cult classic night with AAAAMMMYYY!!
And, (drum roll), I got my tattoo today!! I went with several friends from work, and it was HA-MAZING!
Just in case you didn't know what my arm looked like before, here it is! Super white, and super PLAIN!
This is Melissa. She is awesome. That is all.
This is Pamela. She is also awesome.
This is Lindsey. She is ALSO awesome!
 This is Kathy. She is weird. ;)

I only stayed for Melissa's tattoo, since AMY was waiting for me and was blowing up my phone with texts.
(PS- Renaissance Tattoo is the best. I've gotten all three of my tattoos there. Kelsey did two of them.)

And now, for what you ACTUALLY care about (haha), my tattoo!!

 Finally, Amy used her mad photography skillz to get rid of my quadruple chins.

EDIT: I totally forgot to even explain this tattoo!!! It's my Grandma Genny's signature coming out of a spool of thread. She sewed for Threads of Love, a group that sewed for premature babies at our church in San Antonio. I used to go with her every Tuesday morning to help out. She passed away five years ago, this week, the morning that she was getting ready to leave to go to Threads of Love.
If you have heard me talk about my job at all, you know that my grandma is my inspiration for what I do. Although she might not like the idea of a tattoo, if she were alive, I feel like this was an okay thing to do.

Now, chili is IN MY BELLY! Time for Amy/Dave/Hannah/Nate/Anthony time to commence!

Yay! Cheers! (Cheerioooooo... chip chip)


la petite lydia said...

It looks great!

Gwiddle said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT. I might just have to copy the idea of the thread needle thing, so cool. Seriously though, sorry to be such a freak on twitter today...I have just been tat obsessed lately. I keep trying to come up with some cool design to get.. Some day... So many periods!!!! Sorry I know how you hate grammatical errors, but I am far too excited by this post to even care. I also think that the meaning behind the tattoo is really neat. All in all good job liz!

Unknown said...

I didn't get to get my tattoo tonight. Will get it next Saturday. I'm getting Chilly Willy. I love penguins!! Everyone's tats are awesome!!

Meagaaaaan! said...

Very cuttttteeee! Goood spot!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

I think it looks great! What a great way to remember your grandma!


i love your tattoo!, it's just beautiful!

amyschmamey said...

I absolutely love the tat. It is in a perfect spot and the needle and thread are so awesome and perfect with the signature to honor your grandma. You are so wonderful. Glad you were able to get this tat and I hope you enjoy it. Great post. AND. Those black and white pics are awesome! Wonder who took them ;) ha ha ha. Jk. Loves.

m&m said...

I think it's beautiful. I think she would have liked it.

Shewearscrazywell said...

Turned out beautiful!!!!! I love it! Goooood job! :) Hearts, Janna Lynn

Anonymous said...

What a great tattoo! I have some great ideas I just need to get the funds! :) And I love the story behind it.

Mandy Ferrugia said...

oh my gosh that tattoo is fantastic! so cute, and it represents such a sweet memory.
you hadn't seen the Dark Crystal before?! WHAT?! That movie is sooooo good. I was obsessed with it when I was little, haha.

Wendy Lady said...

Your tattoo is amazing!!!! I am in love with it.

I just barely saw the Dark Crystal like a year ago. Super weird. The 80's were such an odd time.

Mandy said...

That looks awesome, Liz!

Gale said...

i love that placement and i love your new ink miss!! again, the meaning behind it is super sweet. exciting!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I just love your tattoo. I love spools of thread and they look so pretty in tattoos.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much I love everything about this tattoo! And I've gotta say, I find your love for your grandmother and just for the older generation in general incredibly inspiring.

Jenn W. said...

I love your tattoo! It is lovely. What a creative idea, sounds like your grandmother was a wonderful person! :) I'm a new follower!