Sometimes, I'm just happy. Don't get me wrong- I have unhappy days, too. If you've followed my blog for any period of time, I'm sure you've seen evidence of this. But I'd like to share with you a couple of my good days.
I went to Harrison, Arkansas to visit with Anthony's family. It was amazing. It really made me miss my family, but at the same time, it was refreshing to be around a wholesome family. I had an incredible time.
Lindsey picked me the flowers in this picture and I felt awesome. Bren was playing on my iPhone while sitting on my lap. I felt extra awesome. I hope these kids still like me, even if I run out of Amelia Bedilia books and iPhone games. That's my lover boy in the background. He's amazing.
Amy and Dave drew on each other and Anthony and I drew on each other. We are so immature. It was fun, though. My drawings were symbolic so that equals maturity, right? Ha.
His drawing was not symbolic. I mean, really? A rose-ish thing coming out of a skull? How childish. HA.
We played a LOT of Yahtzee. I love games. Does anyone else like board games? My family always plays games on holidays. It's my favorite part.. other than the food, of course.
On Monday, Antho and I went on a date. It was lovely. :)
We started out at Hoover Music Store to get him some music for his banjo. My next instrument is going to be the mandolin. I can't wait until I'm a millionaire and I can afford random instruments!
After the music shop, we went to Galloway Station. If you live in Springfield, I highly recommend this place! It was awesome! I guess Monday is the day that this Irish-y band plays. THIS WAS THE BEST DATE, EVER! Good job, Ant.
Edit: I posted the wrong video! Whoops. This one's my favorite:
What'd ya think? Isn't Anthony cute?! ;)
After dinner, we went to Barnes & Noble so I could keep Lindsey stocked with Amelia Bedilia books. Ant had to stop me from spending $50+ on the books, so I bought three. AMY, don't tell her! It's a surprise!!!! Hahaha. I love children. And I love books. It's the perfect combination.
We found this incredible book of "the best wrong answers." (I think that's what the title was...)
"What is the lowest frequency a human can hear?"
- a mouse
"What is the highest frequency a human can hear?"
- Maria Carey
"Adam cuts his arm. Blood gushes out and it is red in color. What does this show?
- He is not a robot, he is a real boy!
- "What is a fibula?"
- a little lie
Alright, people. Life is good. That's all for now.
Cheers ;)
Oh this was lovely to read.
I'm glad that this day, at least, was incredible. Days like to do that you great and then 24 hours later be a complete mess and waste of consciousness.
Anyway, please buy random instruments. And please keep smiling.
Hahahahaha I've seen that book before, so freaking hilarious! :D
I love Galloway Station! I used to work across the street from there [at Firehouse Pottery], and we'd get lunch there all the time. They have the best grilled cheese, so yummy!
Glad you've been having such awesome days! I'm so excited to meet you soon! XO.
I just found your blog & I'm really loving reading through it. I swear this isn't a spam comment even though it sounds like it haha. You are so pretty btw:]
woohoo! i love having random instruments! we have 2 bass guitars, a guitar, tuba, trombone, piano, and cello. and hubby wants a ukelele to add to the collection.
i love games too!! our family is notorious for playing games at parties and being ridiculously competitive. believe it or not, though, i had never played yahtzee until last year! its fun!!
seems like you and anthony had a lovely time this weekend! your happiness definitely made me feel happy!
amelia bedilia!!!!! i love those books. you look like you had so much fun.
that's so cool that anthony plays banjo :)
I love playing board games! We always play aaround the holidays too. Clue and Cranium are my favs!
MANDOLIN! Geez! My brother has one and I love to hear him play. My great grandfather played so that is where his love for it came from!
Looks like a great road trip and date night!
I LOVE THIS POST. I saw it in my bloglovin' feed yesterday and didn't want to comment from my phone, but I loved this. :) I love you. You are so wonderful. Yes. You should come to my house everyday and go walking with me. ha. And I will not tell Lindsey that you went on a Amelia Bedelia Spending spree for her. And yes, they will love you sans phone and books. You are too awesome not to love.
I totally loves you...cause your wicked cool! Hearts, Janna Lynn
Looks like a fab weekend! I haven't played Yahtzee in AGES. I think you should just have Anthony draw up your next tat, he's got skillz yo! haha
That book is awesome! And this post was awesome! That is exciting about your next instrument being the mandolin. Mine will be the accordion. :)
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