Sunday, October 9, 2011


Okay, so this season has been the best. I love fall, but you see... Texas doesn't do the "seasons" concept very well, and the last two "falls" were spent under extreme situations regarding unpleasantry. ANYWAY, this fall has been amazing! My apartment has always had the fall color/decor, which makes it extra festive.

 I get to take the residents through various fall traditions. I just love it. I wish that I could post pictures of them, but I can't. :( Here are some boring, non-resident, work pictures. Just know that my oldies are super awesome and the pictures I took are super adorable. I know, super.

To start off, we went camping last weekend. But that's another blog post... once I get Amanda's pictures that she took. ;) I really enjoyed the 15 hours we spent there, and I can't wait to go again! These people are pretty cool. I'm not an incredibly social person, but I really liked hanging out with this group of people. Here is a preview...

I've been baking like crazy... and I'll post that stuff later, too.

Anyway, even though it hasn't rained very much, being a Texan, I still think that the leaves look amazing. So Antho and I went to the nature center yesterday to go for a walk.

We did a bit of trespassing... WE DO DANGEROUS THINGS BECAUSE WE ARE DANGEROUS PEOPLE. Just kidding. I just wanted a picture. Thank goodness I didn't get poison ivy.

We stopped to get pumpkins for Lindsey and Brendan's birthday party today... HUGE! I lost ten pounds carrying it to the car.


I got home to my mail box and found this:

It's official!!!!!! I have a degree!!!!! I actually did it!!!! I was so scared that some fluke would keep me from graduating. But no- it is October, and I have official looking proof that I did indeed graduate in August!!YAHOO.

In other news, I've been baking, playing WoW with Anthony...

... watching Community, which is a hilarious show. WATCH THIS. (I only started watching it a week ago, and then Suzy posted a video a few days ago... it was a sign. I was meant to watch it. Ha.)

... and enjoying life in any way I can. My family is coming to Springfield for Thanksgiving, and I cannot wait. I'm surrounded by people I love, and everything is beautiful this time of year. This was extremely picture heavy, so I'm sorry that I just dumped a month's worth of stuff into one post. Thanks for reading!



Unknown said...

Autumn in the Ozarks is beautiful! I love this time of year for so many reasons; it gets cooler, drier, and more colorful. There is a feeling in the air that you just don't get in the west (Cali has two seasons, floods and fires).

I wish you could share the pictures of your seniors but I understand that you can't. I'm glad you are able to help them celebrate the beauty and fun of fall.

Love the pictures you did share.

Lisa V said...

DIPLOMA!!! I am glad you are having a wonderful fall. We are just now feeling it begin and I am enjoying making soup, experimenting with making pumpkin spice lattes, and am contemplating baking a grape pie. (They were giving away grapes for free at the farmer's market). What on earth were those lovely pie/tarts you made?

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I bet field trips with the residents make work so fun! I bet they had a blast!
I really loved seeing all of your nature photos on IG! I can sympathize with TX not getting fall soon enough! I'm so ready for the leaves to change. At least it's been in the 70s here lately.

Dan and Traci Rochon said...

Great pics!!!