Well, I'm moving back to San Antonio. It has all happened very suddenly, but last Friday I got offered a temporary job as a "personal assistant" for a couple that I used to babysit for. They are being extremely generous and allowing me to work Monday through Thursday, so that I have Fridays off to set up interviews for a job that's in my field. They needed some extra help and I needed a job, so it's a perfect fit!
It's such a wonderful opportunity, especially since I've had such trouble getting people to agree to phone interviews. Finding a job from a different state is REALLY difficult.
This is an incredible blessing, but I must say... this is tough. I'm leaving my (almost) new family and some very good friends; not to mention, I'm leaving my job at the nursing home. I'm going to miss so many people. I'll probably go on and on about that later, but for now... I'm trying to focus on the fact that God's had my back, even when I haven't been the most (at all) faithful person.
Anthony isn't coming with me until later on when HE can find a job, so there's that, too. This is already a stressful time-- planning a wedding (111 days. YIKES!), starting a new job, looking for an additional job for later on, and moving 12 hours away from where I've made my home these last few years. But anyway, there's a lot going on in my head that relates to spending my life with someone, and being away from my support (Anthony) is going to be really rough.
BUT, God is good. And I am ever so grateful for my friends that have provided this job.
So, in other news...
We finished making our invitations!! It was a ton of hard work, but it's so, so worth it. I'll be sending those out next month, and after a while, I'll post a DIY. I'm so proud of them! (ha)
And the best part about this month was our engagement photos. Amy did them, and she was amazing. Seriously, she's incredible! Not to mention-- she's about to be my new seester. And I can't wait. (All of these images are HERS!)
Here are some of my favorites:
congrats on the new job! im sure youll find something else once you are down there :)
beautiful photos! you are truly gorgeous! i think this is the first time I could get a sense of what you really look like, and I decided you should always post pictures of yourself cause you are stunning! :)
God's definitely got your back. In a year, you will look back and see that everything will have fallen into place, just as God intended it to be for you and Anthony :)
Your photos turned out great! I love the bookstore ones!
that first meadow picture. the one where he's kissing you melted my heart a bit.
the days will fly by. you've got this.
Your photos are just lovely! I love the ones in the bookstore! So sweet! Amy is amazing!
That's awesome that you found a job! I hope your time apart passes quickly!
the pics are gorgeous, of course. :)
hi :) I'm a new follower! I found you through Amy's blog. I am so absolutely in love with these pictures! You two are adorable together & I wish you eternal happiness!
I look forward to reading your blog :0)
Oh my gosh, so about your hair color. I was hoping.. we could trade. Think about it, pray.. whatev.. just know I want it THAT bad.
Simply stalking based on your profile picture.. THE END!
cuteeeee shots.
Love your outfits!! =) And all the books!! <3
Xoxo, Sarah
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