Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day FOR THE WIN

Today has been an incredible day. Not only am I single, but I am totally okay with that, especially when I get to spend the day celebrating with awesome people.
I was telling Anthony on the way home that I feel more like myself when I'm around these particular people. They may say that this is not necessarily a good thing, but hey- I like myself! (haha)

But seriously, I have had a wonderful day. I got up early (and it was a super gorgeous day) to deliver cupcakes. [success]
And tonight, I went with Anthony, Amy, Dave, Hannah and Nate to Belgian Waffle and Pancake House for dinner. I almost peed myself from laughing so hard. I love nights like that.

(Look at her dainty pinky! SO DAINTY.)
(Brendan and Lindsey are two of the cutest kids I have ever met.)
 (Secretly, he's my valentine.)
I am so thrilled to know these people. I'm not a very good photographer... and I didn't get ANY pictures of Anthony, Hannah or Nate, but oh well. Amy IS a good photographer and she got some good pictures, so check out her post, here.


Since it is Valentine's Day, here are a couple of things I've been thinking about:

In a study involving a group of lovelorn Stanford undergrads, researchers discovered that high-octane romantic love might be a natural analgesic.
Click here to find out more!
Love's painkilling effect isn't just that the person is distracted by thoughts of the loved one -- although that works, too. Instead, the researchers found that feeling "head-over-heels" activates the same dopamine-oriented centers of the brain that tune in to illicit drugs such as cocaine.
"These pain-relieving systems are linked to reward systems," said Dr. Sean Mackey, senior author of a paper appearing online Oct. 13 in PLoS One. "Love engages these deep brain systems that are involved with reward and craving and similar systems involved in addiction."

Check out the article!

Love: a benevolent intent focused toward the well-being of others, as affecting the heart's electromagnetic pattern

So what have we learned? 

1. Being single is perfectly fine.
2. Friends are awesome.
3. Laughter is actually good for you.
4. Anthony is awesome.
5. His family is also awesome.
6. Love is better than cocaine.
7. Love actually affects your physical heart. 

Cheers; I love you ALL!
:) :) :)


amyschmamey said...

Oh my word. The pics you got of the kids are so cute! HA! Bren is a good Valentine. Why? Because Valentine's Day means Bacon to him! ha.

So glad you and my bro came out to crash the waffle place with us. It was a blast!

Like what you posted about love. I have actually heard that before! :)

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

Sounds like a fun time eating waffles! Thanks for sharing!

Gwiddle said...

Like I told Amy, I am jealous that you guys get to hang out IRL. I want to eat waffles with awesome people, and have a pre kindergartener valentine ♥ No but seriously sounds like such a great day. I am glad that even though you are single ;) you still got to go out and have a fabulous time!! Happy Valentines lizzyyyyyyyyyyyyereyyy

suzy said...

one time, i spent a whole work shift researching love and all the chemicals and things going on in your brain when you fall in love. it was so cool. i'm going to go read that article. i'm fascinated by brain chemicals.

suzy said...

oh, also, happy belated valentine's day. :)

la petite lydia said...

Aw looks like you all had fun! The pictures are très awesome.

Those articles are really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

I am glad you had a good Valentines Day!

Gale said...

this is late but...
that research information on love is amazing! i'm going to head over to that article after this. i'm glad you had a great valentine's day:D

i TOO do the dainty pinky while drinking tea! haha

amy's kids are so adorable!